Happy New Year 2016!

Beginning an year is always exciting. New hopes, new dreams and new goals. After a long break from blogging and writing in general, I’ve made a resolution to write everyday, or at least every other day, here and discuss with you about everything that is going on in my life. The past year consisted of a lot of reading, due to which I was lagging behind in writing and this blog almost died. But I’m back to everything and I’ll try to manage both together.

How was your new year? I spent the new year’s eve in my room, sleeping and watching TV shows and reading, instead of partying or meeting new people. I had just returned from a trip with my family, due to which I was too exhausted to get out of my comfortable bed.

But, I wanted to go out and catch up with my friends, have a good dinner and then watch 2015 end and turn into 2016. I was too tired to even think about getting out of my house. I just hope I don’t end up getting lazier throughout the year and catch up with life, as well as my interests along the way.

Happy New Year, folks.

In response to The Daily Prompt

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